Consumer behavior is imperative to study for every businessman and freelance worker. The way customers react to a particular marketing gimmick and how they think during a purchase related decision are crucial in setting up the business. Similarly, for a professional designer, it is important to learn the dynamics of potential design clientele and ascertain as to what makes them attracted to their services. The words ‘Sale’ and ‘Discount’ are a treat for every client. It compels them to at least view the product / service.
However, there are pros and cons of giving a professional discount on services like graphic or web designing. The pros being increase in customer base, while the drawbacks may include a bad signal emitted in the market that the designer is of low-quality and thus the low price. There are certain types of clients that view low-price as a sign of low-quality. Therefore, providing a discount on your professional services may backfire if not properly marketed.
Here are four nice and easy ways how you can offer your clients a professional discount / rebate on services without giving a negative impression of being cheap.
Instead of giving the discount like the coupon in a grocery store, you should make the clients earn it. Offer it as an incentive so that the clients realize that they have been rewarded with something. This feeling gives a sense of pride and value addition to the customers and the negative sentiments are washed away. There are lots of ways that you can do to give away the discount like customer referral discounts, repeat customer coupons, rebate on completing certain amount of years in service with the client.
Another thing that makes the discount unworthy is to float it like a bake sale. If you simply go out distributing coupons, the clients won’t feel special as they would think that the discount is for everybody. That is why you need to personalize your discount. For example if you are mailing a potential client to avail discounts, make a personalized message addressing him so that he / she can relate to it. You can mention something that related to the client in order to add personalization.
There is another way of providing discount which is in the form of value addition. Instead of reducing the pricing on your design services, you can provide the client with an additional item that might be useful for him / her in their work / household life. There are various things that may be done which include making a customized t-shirt design or sending gift basket. However, the value addition should be related to the client’s need otherwise it will be of no use.
Excess of anything in life can be harmful. Same is the case with offering discounts to clients. A discount is supposed to be special and exceptional otherwise you are going to face clients who will be acquainted with the habit of asking for discounts every time. By offering timely and astute discounts, you can build a good liaison with the clientele.
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