5 Sure-Shot Techniques for Designers to Convince Clients

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There is a general misconception that designing is a run-of-the-mill job. However, this couldn’t have been further from reality. To be a designer has to be among the most intricate occupations in the world. One of the hardest aspects in working as a professional artist is to persuade your clients into agreeing to your design ideas and concepts.

Even though this should not be taken as a drawback of being a designer, it surely is a hindrance nonetheless. Client handling is par for the course of being a designer. There will be designers who are adept at designing but fail at dealing with difficult clients. Therefore, you need to have that convincing power to make the clients adore your style and agree to your point of view.

Read along the 5 smart ways that I use to make my clients like MY design concepts in an amicable manner:

1. Act like a Pro:

In order to convince a client like a professional designer, you need to act like one too. Some designers tend to get irritated when a customer shoots down their design concepts and resort to arguing rather impolitely. This is not a professional way to deal with clients as they will not get angrier and might never be convinced. Instead, you should act like a pro and show your expertise when conversing with the client.

 2. Use Constructive Reasoning:

First of all you need to remember that client is always right, even when he is wrong. This does not mean that you have to do whatever he says, but you should never shoot down your client’s opinions otherwise he/she may get offended. Instead, use constructive reasoning to convince them about your design concepts. The best way to do that is to hear the clients out and say “You are right BUT, this is what I think is best for YOU.”

3. Teach your Clients:

In some cases, clients have no clue as to what they are talking about. This is because lack of understanding about graphic designing leads them to think that whatever they are saying is right. This is where you need to educate and teach your clients. I don’t recommend that you give them design lessons or classes, but what you can do is narrate them about how the design process actually works so that they can better appreciate your point of view and design concepts.

4. AIDA Strategy:

One of the best strategies that I have learnt in professional life is the AIDA strategy. It stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. It is an appropriate technique to convince your clients into liking your design concepts. First you need to catch the clients attention to your design concept, then try and generate his interest in what you are recommending, then show him things that will generate desire into wanting that design and lastly when the client is convinced, he will act on whatever you say.

5. Show the Advantages:

Last but not least, you cannot sell if you don’t tell. This means that when the client does not see what benefits your design concepts will yield for his business, he will never be convinced. That is why you need to highlight the salient features of your design ideas in reference to the clients business and show him what advantages it will provide.

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